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How to I unpublish or remove a Payment Form?

If you are looking to make a form temporarily or permanently unavailable, you can use one of the following techniques.

1. If your form was published using a Full Text URL from the URL Token

If the URL looks has key=xxxx and it also includes &token=xxxx, for example looks like the one shown below, then you can copy the record id that is between key= AND &Token=. In the below example, this is a052G000011B7V2

Whilst logged into Salesforce, you can then paste this after the in your URL and then press enter. As shown in the screenshot below.

After locating this URL Token record, you can then delete it.

2. If your form was published using a Short URL from the URL Token

If the URL has /U/ in it then you are using the short URL. For example the one shown below.

Copy the value after /U/ and then paste this into the search box in Salesforce. In the above example, this is "G000011B7V2F"

This will locate the URL Token used.

You can then either:

  • Remove the URL Token
  • Or, update the "Tiny Token" value to something that is different, eg. "Invalid" (Note: you may need to edit the page layout and change this to an editable field)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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