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8.6 June 2021

8.6 Release Notes


  • New Ticket Grouping option allows for ticket types to be grouped under sub headings. For example, you may wish to have a group of ticket types for “Corporate” and a second group of ticket types for “Individuals”. The field “Ticket Grouping” on Payment Option is used to set which tickets are group under the same heading.
  • Correct Issue when “Max No. Per Ticket Type” specified would incorrectly mark ticket types as sold out

Data Validation (Datatools Kleber)

  • Mass Address Updates of address verification, regeneration of DPID, Bar Code and Sort Sequence. To use, add contacts to Campaign and have all related contacts updated press "Mass Update Addresses" button. This option is useful when doing direct mailouts of 2000 addresses or less.
  • Changed phone validation to more cost effective method
  • Changed Email validation use validation rule. This provides more flexibility for end customers to control what is valid/not valid.
  • Added “Bar Code Sort Plan”, “Other Bar Code Sort Plan”, “Other Barcode Number” to Contact
  • Checkout and P2P Registration uses Temp Key for enhanced security
  • Retrieve method used after selecting address to comply with datatools usage of search to retrieve ratios

Batch Entry

  • Processor start updates status to “Processing Submitted” to avoid accidentally submitted twice.
  • When defaulting from contacts for Credit Card type transaction, an is corrected where if the Card Expiry Dates was not updated, the process reported blank/invalid expiry date.
  • Added check for expiry dates being entered in the past


  • Success URL
    • Added ability to select which fields are passed to Success URL. This allows for Success URL to work better with SEO. A new field “Success URL Parameters” has been added to the Payment Form object to allow selection of parameters to pass in.
    • New success parameters added
      • City
      • State
      • PostalCode
      • Country
  • Background Image on checkout form now works with sites sub domain
  • Windcave PxPay gateway, correction for error message Invalid Session that would occur if Credit Card payment method was the only option available.
  • When URL Parameter Salutation used, corrected issue where this was updating Job Title instead of Salutation on Contact


Matching Process

  • Added new field to Payment Form “Existing Opportunity ”. This provide options for linking to existing Open Opportunities for the Contact and to optionally update the Sales Stage.

2FundraisePro (new add-on App for NPSP and Payments2Us - contact support @ for details/access)

  • Copies field Recurring Donation from Recurring payment.
  • If Opportunity is linked to a Recurring Donation, then only payments also link to Recurring Donations will be linked.
  • For a new recurring payment, does NOT create the first Opportunity. NPSP will do this automatically.

Import Files - BPAY

  • If BPAY CRN supplied, but first name, last name are not then the contact details are populated from a contact that has the same BPAY CRN. This will overcome the Last Name missing error.
  • If the Import File selected Payment Form has field Payment Type set to “Donation” or “BPAY” and the amount imported is less than the matching Payment Txn with a status of “Awaiting Payment”, the processor will NO longer create a second transaction for the shortfall amount.


  • Home page moved App Authorisation to Payments2Us Settings
  • Payment Txn record Type “Payment”, removed “Ezi Debit” as default BPAY rule. Was causing license exception error to be generated.
  • For Manual Payment entry, corrected issue with membership find with just one membership number located in lookup.
  • PaymentsUs Settings - Billing Tab, added “refresh” option to retrieve latest Receipts
  • Refunds where the original Payment Txn had a Voucher discount would show incorrect amount due to discount amount. Updated refund process to clear out discount amount.
  • Possible fraud error messages updated to include a messag to check Error log
  • Update license exception to say contact support, vs. info email address
  • URL Rewriter defaults to Modern form, vs. no longer supported Classic
  • Increased Max Batch check from 5 to 25
  • Billing Check Processor now caters for potential null error related to permission issue
  • Subscription Issue Buttons linked to reports updated to work better in Lightning.

Make Payment

  • Renewal corrected to use Checkout Modern form
  • Token charge corrected to use lightning styled form

8.6 Post upgrade steps

Payment Option Custom Object

  • Add field “Ticket Grouping” field to page layout “Event Payment Option Layout”

Campaign Object

  • Add button ( Mobile & Lightning Actions ) “Mass Address Update” to all page layouts that might get used for Mass Address Updates. Recommend Page Layouts of Payments2Us such as “Event”, “Peer-to-Peer”, “Annual Statement” be included.

Payment Form Custom Object

  • Page Layout Updates
    • Add field “Existing Opportunity”. Suggest under field “Opportunity Sales Stage”
    • Add field “Success URL Parameters” to “Confirm & Success Actions" Section

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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