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7.4 September 2019

7.4 Release Notes

Checkout Form

  • If payment methods shown are only shown if the they are applicable for the frequency selected (e.g. Once-off, Monthly). For example, Direct Debit option is only shown then the frequency is NOT once-off and Account2Account is only shown when the frequency is Once-off
  • New Payment methods added (some are dependent on payment gateway)
    • Pay Using PayID
    • Account2Account *
    • China UnionPay **
    • WeChat **

* Only available with Payment Express 
** Requires merchant facility to be with Payment Express

  • When tokenising upfront, the amount tokenised is now $0.01 for most payment gateways. For Stripe this remains at $1.
  • Buttons on mobile styling are updated to look better and be more functional
  • PayPal logo display is no longer cropped on one side
  • Payment Methods such as Direct Debit can be used by themselves now, vs. requiring at Credit Card option
  • PxPay with alternative payment method options such as Direct Debits does not come up with a session id error when the alternative payment method is used.

General Updates

  • Manual Payments shows error if required field missing, vs. just not submitting.
  • Refunds now show a warning message that the funds are not actually refunded and that the refund process is to only record the details in Salesforce. This occurs for manual, shopify or Account2Account payment types. Refunds ability added for Shopify (recording in Salesforce only)
  • Batch Entry removes default from previous entries. Defaults Transaction Date from header. Reset button also removes all defaults.
  • If users do not have access to payments2Us, the logging of access not available error to Fundraiser ID’s object is no longer logged in the Error Log.
  • More checks in place to ensure Batch Processor not duplicating when under heavy loads

7.4 Post upgrade steps

Add the following picklist values to the "Payment Method" field on Merchant Facility (all record types) and "URL Tokens" Objects

  • Pay Using PayID
  • Account2Account
  • China UnionPay
  • WeChat

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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