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1.10 April 2012

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1.10 Release Notes

  1. User interface change to section headings on payments and confirmation form
  2. Tax Calculations added. This includes calculations as additional to amount charged, or tax is included in amount charge or tax is not calculated/shown.
  3. Surcharge percentage used is now stored on payment transaction
  4. Matching updates on Company Name search. Now excludes parts of the name such as “Pty”, “Limited” etc. so as better locate two companies that are the same.
  5. Added new matching run “Account Name + Last Name”.
  6. Chatter updates. This is available for internal transactions as this stage due to restrictions. Chatter updates can be automatically generated for a Payment made, Large payment, First payment by Contact, First payment by Account, First Payment Form by Account, First time Subscriber, Renewing Subscriber or New recurring payment
  7. New URL parameters added for payment form:
    1. HidePayFrequency - URL parameter so that monthly payments can be setup requiring the option of showing selection on the screen.
    2. PayFrequency new URL parameter to default payment frequency.
    3. paymentOptionIdReadOnly. This URL parameter is normally used in conjunction with PaymentOptionId. Using this parameter allows for the payment option to be pre-selected and shown, but does not allow the user to change the defaulted parameter
    4. customField[1,2,3]Name, customField[1,2,3] allows for 3 different custom fields to be updated by URL value passed in a URL parameter.
  8. Payment Options now allow for Payment Frequency and Freight Amounts to be specified at this level.
  9. Subscription/Membership updates. Subscriptions are now tied more closely with recurring payments. This allows for example, a 12 month magazine subscription to have 12 equal monthly payments.

Subscriptions also have the ability to allow for automatic renewals.

  1. Recurring Payments have an optional end date. If an end date is specified and the end date has passed, the subscription status will be automatically changed to “Expired” (unless automatic renewal is specified).
  2. Refund payments. A separate workflow and email template is now setup for refunds so that the person refunded gets a different message to that of making a payment.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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