10.2 Release update
This release is available, but is not yet uploaded to the AppExchange. If you would like to manually upgrade, you can contact support@payments2us.com for the install URL and “Production Allowed” licence option.
Payment Form Changes
- CCV field is now shown parallel to the Expiry date field on the payment form.
- Regular Payment Day field can be shown in the Payments section instead of Transaction details section.
- A new field Field Label Options is introduced on the payment form. Select the option to display either field labels or placeholders or both.
- Amount and Frequency can be shown on the payment form's submit button. Also custom text can also be added to show donation message.
- A new checkbox field “Recurring Confirmation” is introduced on the Payment Txn object. It can be used as a confirmation field before submitting the form.
- Now icons can be added in the payment method options using external stylesheets.
- Detailed steps are mentioned in the How do I apply more advance CSS styling to form components help article.
Non Profit Cloud Updates
- Previously, a new gift transaction or gift commitment was getting created if the we send the payment transaction that has been matched already to the matching process again i.e. setting the status to Receipting Complete. This is addressed as part of this release.
- Create Opportunity checkbox will be true for the DEMO merchant facility created after installation.
- Non profit cloud processing i.e. creating gift commitment and gift transaction will only be done if the Donation amount is Not 0$ on the payment transaction.
- No Opportunity is created if ONLY donation amount is present on the opportunity.
- Otherwise if both Donation Amount and Payment Amount is present e.g if you had a $100 Membership plus $220 donation, then:
- Opportunity will be created for the $100 plus tex, freight etc.
- Gift Commitment or Gift transaction will be created for $20.
- In case of a Refund transaction, Non profit cloud processing is not done.
- Gift Default Designation lookup field can be introduced on Payment txn and Payment Item. It will be populated as part of non profit cloud API processing. Make sure the field's API name is Gift_Designation_Id__c.
General Updates
- Account Id URL parameter (AAkPay__CheckoutM?aid=001QE00000Gi7MMYAZ) was not working for person accounts without including the isPersonAccount = true sharing rule for site users. This is addressed in this new release.
- Invisible reCAPTCHA version 3 is introduced in the version 10.2.
- Blackbaud Merchant Services integration updated for non CVC transactions on internal charges of Import Files, Transact Payment, Batch Entry
- License Option required now to run "Production" mode in Sandboxes or Developer orgs.
- Transact Payment Updated to save Check/Bank Transfer Details onto Payment Txn.
- Stripe, corrected issue with currencies such as JPY that do not have decimal points to not transact 100 times the amount entered.
- Payment Complete Webhook now correctly sets Donation By fields. Previously only set when Account Id also passed in.
Stripe ETFPOS terminal
- New Stripe EFTPOS terminal integration added
- Provides ability for amounts, or product to be selected and transacted on EFTPOS terminal and details to be received in Salesforce
- Ideal for organisations that accept donations or have a small product and want to have an EFTPOS terminal at reception.
Alternatively, could be used for charity auction days for recording Sales of auction items.
AddressFinder Updates
- Phone number and Email now validated as part of Mass address update
Windcave Reconciliation Processor
- A new process has been added that can check transactions in Windcave with Payment Txns in Salesforce and automatically correct an issues.
10. 2 Post Upgrade Steps
Setup > Object Manager - Merchant Facility
- Add “reCAPTCHA V3” picklist value in the Captcha Type field of Merchant facility object. Ensure this is added to ALL record types.
- Deactivate all other picklist values of Captcha Type field f Merchant facility object, excluding Im Not a Robot - Strict and reCAPTCHA V3.
- Add “PricebookEntry” picklist value in the Excluded from Sites Sharing Settings field of Merchant facility object. Ensure this is added to ALL record types.
- Add “Production Allowed” picklist value in the License Options of Merchant facility object. Ensure this is added to ALL record types.
- Add new field “Stripe POS Application Id” on required Payment form page layouts.