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1.8 January 2012

Table of Contents

1.8 Release Notes

  1. Account Level Memberships added enabling organisations to have a membership and all of their staff to be considered as part of that membership.
  2. Multi-currency support added. Allows for different currencies to be processed, as well as the ability to show and/or user select payment currency. Support for organisations with/without multi-currency enabled.
  3. Two levels of credit card surcharge by card types added allowing organisations to recover the credit card fees charged.
  4. Custom Sections added allowing administrators to create their own custom fields and add them to the checkout page. This enables for items such as agreeing to terms and conditions, short surveys etc.
  5. Now using geonames premium giving better response and better security.
  6. Error Log added in the event of any unexpected errors, system administrators can be notified and details of the error store for further analysis.
  7. FieldSets used for checkout, manual payments, credit card updates. This allows for drag/drop page layout changes and also allows for user configurable required field settings
  8. Custom labels now used for all text and messages. This enables custom language translations to be setup

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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