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3.19 August 2014

3.19 Release Notes

  1. Events enhancements
    1. Added options to hide components on side bar. These can be set in the Payment form or via URL Parameters
    2. For upcoming events and calendar, enable the option to go to a specified web page instead of going directly to the ticket booking page.
    3. Enhanced URL Parameter for upcoming events to be able to select multiple Campaign Types
    4. Support for Group/Team event types where one ticket represents multiple people
    5. Added new Event Type “Tickets and Optionally Specify Attendees”. This is useful when using with groups or teams and not all members of the group or team are known at the time of ticket purchase
  2. Memberships
    1. Added links from URL Tokens related to Account Subscriptions and Subscriptions back to the Subscription report. This provides enhanced workflow alert and update options
    2. For Family/Group membership, fixed issue with Payer Name and Group member name being in a different upper/lower case combination creating a duplicate
    3. For Family/Group membership, fixed issue with a payment being made after a membership causing the subscription group to be unlinked.
    4. Fixed issue where error could occur if Payment Option deleted from Account Subscription or Subscription
  3. Statements and Receipts
    1. Added option for text colours
    2. Added component option to suppress setting of receipt status
    3. Fixed issue where long “Receipt” title would cause address to print in incorrect location
    4. Annual Statement, used banking amount so refunds will be shown in negative
  4. Token Charges
    1. Now only allows one attempt per entry
    2. Added retry logic should the payment processing timeout

3.19 Post upgrade notes

  • setup > create > objects > Payments Forms. Field: Event Type, add new picklist value “Tickets and Optionally Specify Attendees”
  • setup > create > objects > Payments Forms. Page Layouts. Add fields to event section: Event Page URL, Event Form Layout Options
  • setup > create > objects > Merchant Facility. Page Layouts. Add fields to receipt section: Receipt Text Colour.
  • setup > create > objects > URL Tokens. Page Layouts. Add fields: Account Subscription, Subscription.
  • setup > create > objects > Payment Options. Page Layouts Events. Add field “Group Size”

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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