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2.11 August 2013

2.11 Release Notes

  1. Receipting enhancements. There have been quite a number of changes made to receipts and membership renewal/confirmation notes, these include:
  2. Ability to specify receipt colours (on the Merchant Facility)
  3. Ability to embed mail merge fields in receipt body. For example, “Dear {!AAkPay_Payment_Txn__c.AAkPay__firstName__c}”… The existing “Dear {firstname}” has now been removed.
  4. Provide ability to configure transaction summary sections. New fieldset (receiptPaymentInfo) on Payment Txn.
  5. Receipt and membership renewals/confirmations emails are now able to be cloned and the body of the email updated.
  6. The address shown can be user specified with either Mailing or Other.
  7. Updates to Account/Organisation Name print under more conditions.

For more information on these updates, please consult the receipting section of this manual.

  1. More configurations options for checkout user layout. These include:
  2. Ability to re-order sections on the screen. The fieldset “checkoutOrderSections” is used to re-order sections
  3. Ability to configure/update all sections, including transactions details and Payment Details. Fore new fieldsets (checkoutPaymentDetails, checkoutPaymentCCDetails, checkoutPaymentComments, checkoutTransactionDetails) added to Payment Txn Object to enable this.
  4. More custom / user defined sections have been added, bringing the number up to 6.
  5. Message added after confirming details to guide users into pressing the “Pay Now” button.
  6. Membership Search by Membership number now updates City and Country when IP Defaulting being used.

For more information on customising the checkout layout, please see the “Customising Sections and Fields” section of this manual.

  1. Checkout Manual Mode. The checkout User Interface can be used in manual mode when used internally (as Salesforce CRM user). The enables easy manual payments for Event attendances and for Subscriber Group memberships (Eg. family members).

For more information on this option, please read the “Events Manual Payments” or the “Subscriber Groups Manual Payments” sections of this manual.

  1. Large Donation Workflow. If the total amount paid is greater than the large donation amount specified on the related Payment Form, then the related donor care person is send a notification email. This option now changes the Payment Form owernship to the donor care person
  2. Token charge now works with/without contact being specified. Special handling for Accounts only being specified.

2.11 Post upgrade notes

  • Add CustomSection fields to Payment Type
  • Add Receipting Colour Fields to Merchant Facility
  • Add “Manual” as a Payment_Method to Merchant Facility
  • For Payment Txn, Record Types: Auth, Refund, Events, Manual, Payment Update “Method of Payment” to have values
  • Add “Add Event Attendees” button to Campaign
  • Reorder “Method of Payment” onto Payment Txn fieldSets manualPayInfo (goes to where payment source was, remove payment source)
  • For all receipt text, add “Dear {!AAkPay__Payment_Txn__c.AAkPay__FirstName__c}” as this no longer appears in text by default.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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