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2.1 March 2013

2.1 Release Notes

  1. Receipt Item Text updates. The section at the bottom of the receipt has the Payment Txn “Payment For” value. The following enhancements have been made to provide more flexibility and options for Payment For. These are:
    • Added “Receipt Item” field on the Payment Form record. This will be used if no URL Token or URL parameter field for “PaymentFor” is used.
    • Added URL Parameter “paymentFor” to Manual Payments.
  2. Opportunity Name. The name is now made up of the text from the Payment Form Tab “Payment Form” field, concatenated with payees name and date of the transaction.
  3. Opportunity Record Type. You can now specify the Opportunity Record Type on the Payment Form entry. If specified, the opportunity created will use this record type.
  4. Checkout Appeal Items for Internal Users. For internal users (checkout accessed from within salesforce), the options available in the picklist will be for all Campaigns that are Active and have a start date before today and an end date after today. For internal users there used to be the requirement of making the campaign “Published on Web” set to true. For external users (public website), the Campaign “Publish on web” checkbox must still be selected.
  5. When using Account Matching of “Contacts and Organisations for Non-profits” in conjunction with Create Opportunities, “npe01__Contact_Id_for_Role__c” is now updated with the primary Contact Id. This enables the Non Profit Starter pack to operate better with AAkonsult Payments.
  6. Donation With enhancements. Tax is no longer calculated on the “donation” part of the transaction. In addition, if a donation is given with a payment then the receipt now has a note detailing the donation amount.

2.1 Post upgrade notes

Add Receipt Item & Opportunity Record Type to Payment Type

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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