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7.10 May 2020

7.10 Release Note

New Payment Gateway added - EziDebit

  • Online checkout Credit Card charge
  • Online checkout Charge Credit Card and Sign up for Recurring Payment
  • Online checkout Sign up for Recurring Credit Card Payment at future date
  • Online checkout Sign up for Direct Debit Payment at future date
  • Recurring Payment Processor for both Credit Cards and Direct Debits
  • Nightly Reconciliation processor to get updates on Direct Debit and Credit Card Payments
  • Refunds for both Credit Cards and Direct Debits
  • Card Holder to self serve/update their Credit Card Details
  • Account Holder to self serve/update their Direct Debit Details
  • Internal Salesforce Users to update card details
  • Token Charge
  • Import Files Upload and Tokenise or Charge cards
  • Import Files Upload and setup Direct Debits
  • Batch Entry Charge Cards 
    See procedure: Direct Debits Process Automatically


  • Payment Express logo replaced by Windcave Logo
  • Terms and Conditions checkout Modal window is now scrollable
  • Credit card type icon shows as card number is being entered
  • Create Samples Paypal demo credentials removed. Captcha defaulted to “Im Not a Robot Strict”
  • Recurring Payment Processor no longer copies previous payment status code/desc/text fields onto Payment Txn.
  • No of custom fields on checkout increased from 3 to 10
  • Workflows for recurring payments max retry attempts exceeded entry criteria to update for Credit Cards or Direct Debit when using EziDebit.
  • Workflows for setting create URL Token on recurring payments entry criteria to update for Credit Cards or Direct Debit when using EziDebit.
  • False positive error message “System.abortJob(;” removed
  • Batch Entry updated to correct issue of “Batch Process” button not working in Lightning.
  • Form processing actions changed from “Credit Card Update” to “Payment Info Update” and “Contact and Credit Update” to “Contact and Payment Info Update”
  • Removed error when there were no Opportunity Stages with Closed Won set when Create Opportunity was NOT set/needed.
  • Various updates to fix quirks with Payment Form Builder
  • Subscription and Account Subscriptions have their “Print Email Receipt” field updated automatically if the email on the related contact is updated.
  • Upcoming Events Widget - Corrected issue where an incorrect link would navigate to Classic Events form.

7.10 Post upgrade steps

Merchant Facility Object

  • Add new picklist value “EziDebit” Payment Gateway. Make SURE to add to ALL record types
  • Field dependency update “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Gateway Options”. Link “EziDebit” to “Enforce New Public Sites Security”
  • Object Field dependency update “Payment Gateway” to “Payment Method”. For “EziDebit” enabled all methods, except: account2account, wechat, China UnionPay. 
    If your organisation does not already have this setup as a field dependency, then you can skip this step.

Payment Form AND URL Token Objects

  • Update picklist values for field “Form Processing Actions”:
    • Change Label and API name from “Credit Card Update” to “Payment Info Update”
    • Change Label and API name from “Contact and Credit Card Update” to “Contact and Payment Info Update”

Account Subscription and Subscriptions Objects

  • Use data loader or similar to update “Print Email Receipt” from the related Contact email or print email receipt field.

Remote Sites Settings

  • Make "EziDebitProduction" active.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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