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Setting up Automatic Renewal Reminders via email

How to set up workflows to send email renewal reminders

There a a number of workflow templates available within Payments2Us, including the ability to send automatic renewal reminders when subscriptions or memberships a close to expiring, with the option of renewing. Users can specify how long before or after the expiry renewals will be sent.

As saleforce does not allow for apps to contain time based workflows (even if inactive), the user will need to clone the provided workflow template, and add the time based triggers and actions to the workflow.

Contact Level Subscription/Memberships:

How to send out first automated reminders - contact level 

How to send out second automated reminders - contact level 

Account Level Subscription/Memberships:

How to send out first automated reminders - account level 

How to send out second automated reminders - account level 

Click here for more information on workflows

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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