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How does Payments2Us work with Nonprofit Cloud?

1. Introduction

Payments2Us has always worked with Person Accounts and has been able to run on Nonprofit Cloud from day one.

From version 9.11 onwards, Payments2Us has been enhanced not just work tightly with the Nonprofit Cloud specific objects and methods for managing Fundraising. We are now leveraging the power of the Nonprofit Cloud and enhancing it to enable the actual transacting of Donations via a number of methods including Credit Card, Direct Debits, PayPal, BPay, ApplePay, GooglePay, Cash, Cheque etc. etc.

2. Fundraising Business Process API

The way that Payments2Us seamlessly integrates with Nonprofit Cloud is through theĀ Fundraising Business Process API.

This ensures that as new feature function are added by, then Payments2Us can then leverage these new capabilities with minimal coding effort.

The graphic below show an overview of how the Fundraising Business Process API is integrated.

  • After a Payment is processed by Payments2Us, a receipt is sent out and the the Status is changed to NPC Processing Start
  • The Status of NPC Processing Start calls the Fundraising Business Process API
    • If the Payment Txn - Frequency is Once-off, then the Gift Transaction API is called and this then creates the PersonAccount/Account, Gift Transaction and related Objects.
    • If the Payment Txn -Frequency is NOT Once-off, then the Gift Commitment API is called and this then creates the PersonAccount/Account, Gift Transaction and related Objects.

3. Payments2Us and Nonprofit Cloud High Level Data Model

The data model below shows a very high level overview of how Standard Salesforce Objects, Payments2Us Objects and the Nonprofit Cloud all work together.

As of Payments2Us version 9.11, the following Nonprofit Clouds Objects are catered for:

  • Gift Commitment
  • Gift Commitment Schedule
  • Gift Transaction
  • Outreached Source Code

As of Payments2Us version 9.11, the following key standard Salesforce Objects be used Nonprofit Clouds Objects are catered for:

  • PersonAccounts
  • Accounts/Contacts
  • Campaign
  • Other objects normally catered for by Payments2Us are also being used

As of Payments2Us version 9.11, the following Nonprofit Clouds Objects are NOT catered for:

  • Gift Designation
  • Gift Soft Credit
  • Other objects not listed above as being included

In addition to the above, Payments2Us will copy like for like api field values form the Payment Txn Object to the Gift Transaction or Gift Commitment Objects

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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