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How to enable Validate vs. Auth for Card Tokenisation with Windcave

1. Overview of Validate vs. Auth

When a card holder signs up for a new Recurring Payment or uses the Card Update button or Email Link that is sent to the Card Holder, a card is Tokenised. The Tokenisation returns a unique number that is then later on used for charging the card. Payments2Us does not save card details for processing of Recurring Payments, but Saves the Token and then uses that to charge the Recurring Payment.

The default for Windcave is to "Auth" a card. The "Auth" process is similar to checking into a hotel where they take an imprint of your card, but do not charge ("complete" ) the transaction until the know the amount to charge on checkout. For an "Auth" transaction, an amount will appear on the Card Holders bank account. This will show as a $0.01 charge and will be automatically removed after 7 days.

The "Validate" option will NOT show up on the Card Holders account. The Validate checks a number of details about the card and saves the card Token for later charging.

The Validate option is available with Windcave Webservice option and Windcave PxPay

2. Get Validate option enabled with Windcave

Get your authorized Windcave contact to log a support request for Windcave to check/add Validate option to your account.

This may already be added, but it is worth checking your specific instance has this option enabled.

3. Enable Validate in Payments2Us/Salesforce

For each Merchant Facility you wish to use Validate with, add "Recurring Validate" to the "Payment Gateways Options" list.

If you do not see "Recurring Validate" as an option then please follow the post upgrade steps for Version 9.4.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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