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What does "This {component} is managed, meaning that you may only edit certain attributes" mean? Or what does "upgrade process" in relation to this mean?

Payments2Us is a managed package that is installed from the AppExchange. This means that we can continually upgrade and organisations will get the benefits of enhancements.

The upgrades can be pushed to your organization by us, enabling us to keep all customers on the latest release without customers having to install the upgrades themselves.

To enable the automatic upgrades, not all components (such as workflows, email templates, letterheads) etc. have all items available for end customers to update. Only select details can be tailored by customers. The items that are available for your organisation to update are listed in the (1) Display More Information section.

The (2) "upgrade process" is where we push upgrades to your instance of Salesforce.

For more information about the above, please check salesforce online help guides for "Managed Package Upgrades", or "Managed Package Push" processes.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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