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Why do I get an error with program/Area: Program/Area: paypalwebhook.doPost and Subject: could not find recurring payment:I-xxxxxxxxxx

PayPal pushes recurring payment/donation information into Salesforce.

What this error is saying that the PayPal Webhook cannot locate the "Recurring Payment" record where the Billing Token (field on the Recurring Payment) is "I-xxxxxxxxxx" (you can see this reference in the subject).

You can do a search in Salesforce to see if you can locate the Recurring Payment by searching for "I-xxxxxxxxxx".

PayPal will keep on retrying to send a Webhook update to Salesforce until it gets a success response. So, you may very well get this same error message multiple times.

To resolve:

  1. First Check the Recurring Payment Sharing Rule has been setup correctly. If this is not setup correctly then PayPal Webhook might not have access to the Recurring Payment record and that is why it cannot locate it.
  2. If the body of the error message includes "BILLING.SUBSCRIPTION.CANCELLED" in the text, then this indicates the donation was canceled. This may have been a request by the payer/donor. This changes the status on Recurring Payment.
    What can happen is the Recurring Payment has a Recurring Payment Status of "Inactive" or "Cancelled". These status's are excluded from the sharing rules, so the webhook cannot locate.
    You can either ignore these messages and they'll go away after a few days OR adjust the Recurring Payment Sharing Rule to also include the Cancelled and Inactive status.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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