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Topics on PayPal

What needs to be considered when using PayPal for regular payments?

The following need to be considered when using PayPal with regular payments You n ...

The following need to be considered when using PayPal with regular payments

  1. You need to have a License key and to have that entered against the Merchant Facility. Contact for a license key and pricing.
  2. For subscription/memberships and for regular payments/donations, the price is set on sign-up. If you wish to change the price, then you payer must re sign up.
  3. After adding the license key and enabling PayPal as an option of the Merchant Facility - Method of Payment field, you then need to edit/save each Payment Option related to the Payment Form for memberships/Subscriptions. Doing this creates a new Billing Plan in PayPal.
  4. Recurring Payments status perform special updates to PayPal.
    - Inactive status changes the status in PayPal subscription to Canceled. Note, once canceled, the subscription canNOT be re-activated. To reactivate, the payer has to resign up.
    - Suspended status changes the status in PayPal subscription to Suspended. (NOTE, only suspended status's can reactivate a subscription.
    - Suspended Status changed to Active will reactivate the subscription in PayPal.
  5. Should PayPal not be able to process a payment more than the number of retry times setup, the status on the Recurring Payment will be changed to Suspended - Max retries exceeded
  6. Should you suspend a regular payment from within your instance of PayPal, then the Recurring Payment in Salesforce will be marked as Suspended
  7. Should you cancel a regular payment from within your instance of PayPal, then the Recurring Payment in Salesforce will be marked as Inactive
  8. Should a PayPal subscriber cancel, then related Recurring Payment Status is changed to Inactive and the Cancellation Reason is set to "PayPal User Cancelled"
  9. The following operations are not supported from your PayPal Console (I.e. when logged into PayPal)
    - Editing of a recurring plan
    - Refunding of a payment (NOTE, refunds are supported from within Salesforce)
  10. It is important to following the PayPal install instructions. In particular the webhook setup step. Without this, updates from PayPal will not be recorded in Salesforce
  11. For memberships. Payments Options need to be changed after the PayPal Credentials are entered on the Merchant Facility
  12. For memberships. Updates to the price or frequency on the Payment Option will NOT update the related Recurring Payer subscriber agreements. The subsribers will need to sign up and approve the new plan.
  13. PayPal with Recurring Payments require Payments2Us version 6.9 or higher.

Why does a Recurring PayPal donation = $0

When the donor/payer signs up for recurring PayPal transactions, the payment is N ...

When the donor/payer signs up for recurring PayPal transactions, the payment is NOT taken right out right away.

The PayPal checkout will show the regular amount (e.g. Monthly), but the total on the checkout page is $0.

PayPal will process the first Payment later that day or early the next day.

This is how the PayPal recurring works.

A Paypal Recurring Payment was created, but the first transaction did not make a charge and no further Payment Txns have been created. Why is it doing that?

Paypal Recurring Payments behave differently to other regular payments. Unlike cr ...

Paypal Recurring Payments behave differently to other regular payments. Unlike credit card payments which are create and charged from within Payments2Us and Salesforce, Paypal payments are generated within Paypal, and then the information is sent via the webhook and ID details to create a Payment Txn as a record for the payment.

The initial Payment Txn should be they type "Paypal Setup". This Payment Txn authorises the Paypal account to be charged.

Make sure that all setup requirements within Paypal are complete. See here for information about Paypal setup.

What to check when we get PayPal Webhook errors- "Payments2Us - Error Log Report - could not find recurring payment:I-XXXXXXXXXXXX" ?

Check the Recurring Payment Record - Record Type is "PayPal" Check the Status Che ...

  1. Check the Recurring Payment Record - Record Type is "PayPal"
  2. Check the Status
  3. Check if the Status is added to the Sharing rule on Recurring Payment Object. If not add the Status to the Sharing Rule.- Add Recurring Payments Sharing Settings
  4. Check if the Billing Token in the error message actually exists on Salesforce.

Why is "PayPal – Recurring" transaction date out by one day from when they signed up?

For PayPal, we create a Billing Agreement in PayPal. The First Payment and subseq ...

For PayPal, we create a Billing Agreement in PayPal. The First Payment and subsequent date is a day after they sign up day. This is expected behavior and is due to PayPal integration API.

You can see their documentation:

In particular:

start_date string required

The date and time when this agreement begins, in Internet date and time format. The start date must be no less than 24 hours after the current date as the agreement can take up to 24 hours to activate.

How are the Recurring Payment Status's used with PayPal

Inactive status changes the status in PayPal subscription to Canceled. Note, once ...

  • Inactive status changes the status in PayPal subscription to Canceled. Note, once canceled, the subscription canNOT be re-activated. To reactivate, the payer has to resign up.
  • Suspended status changes the status in PayPal subscription to Suspended. (NOTE, only suspended status's can reactivate a subscription.
  • Suspended Status changed to Active will reactivate the subscription in PayPal.

Please note these status's are very specific from and to as listed above. Changing to another interim status will likely cause the interactions to PayPal to not work.

How can a PayPal user cancel their Regular Payment

A PayPal Recurring Payment can be cancelled by two methods A Salesforce user can ...

A PayPal Recurring Payment can be cancelled by two methods

  1. A Salesforce user can update the Recurring Payment Status to "Inactive"
  2. A PayPal user can cancel the recurring payment from their PayPal dashboard. See notes in following steps

1. PayPal user cancelling from with PayPal dashboard

After logging into PayPal:

  1. Click on Cog (top right)
  2. Click on Payments Tab
  3. Click "Manage Automatic Subscriptions" button
  4. Locate your subscription
  5. Press Cancel Button

This will then update their Recurring Payment record in Salesforce to have a Status as "Inactive" and a Cancellation Reason of "PayPal User Cancelled"

How to create PayPal transactions manually?

When the donation/payment is received at PayPal and the Payment Txns are not crea ...

When the donation/payment is received at PayPal and the Payment Txns are not created in Salesforce. Please check the PayPal setup to make sure you settings are correct.

To create Payment Txns-

If the PayPal transaction is One-Off

  1. You can use Manual Payment to create the transaction. See link below
  2. OR you can use Import File feature with "Method of Payment -PayPal" to create Payment Txn

If PayPal transaction is Recurring

  1. Add a new recurring payment with Record Type -PayPal , Status- Active, linked to contact ,merchant facility, payment form, donation amount and the billing token.
  2. Then create a Payment Txn for that record manually (Manual Payment)
  3. Make sure sharing rules are correct.

Why am I getting an Error Log with "Program/Area: payPalUtil.accessToken" and "Subject: HTTP Callout invalid_client"

This means either of the below is incorrect: Environment (needs to be Sandbox or ...

This means either of the below is incorrect:

  1. Environment (needs to be Sandbox or Production)
  2. PayPal Username / Password

Please review the setup procedure for PayPal. Pay Particular attention to the Environment (Production/Sandbox) inside PayPal setup

Why do I get an error with program/Area: Program/Area: paypalwebhook.doPost and Subject: could not find recurring payment:I-xxxxxxxxxx

PayPal pushes recurring payment/donation information into Salesforce. What this e ...

PayPal pushes recurring payment/donation information into Salesforce.

What this error is saying that the PayPal Webhook cannot locate the "Recurring Payment" record where the Billing Token (field on the Recurring Payment) is "I-xxxxxxxxxx" (you can see this reference in the subject).

You can do a search in Salesforce to see if you can locate the Recurring Payment by searching for "I-xxxxxxxxxx".

PayPal will keep on retrying to send a Webhook update to Salesforce until it gets a success response. So, you may very well get this same error message multiple times.

To resolve:

  1. First Check the Recurring Payment Sharing Rule has been setup correctly. If this is not setup correctly then PayPal Webhook might not have access to the Recurring Payment record and that is why it cannot locate it.
  2. If the body of the error message includes "BILLING.SUBSCRIPTION.CANCELLED" in the text, then this indicates the donation was canceled. This may have been a request by the payer/donor. This changes the status on Recurring Payment.
    What can happen is the Recurring Payment has a Recurring Payment Status of "Inactive" or "Cancelled". These status's are excluded from the sharing rules, so the webhook cannot locate.
    You can either ignore these messages and they'll go away after a few days OR adjust the Recurring Payment Sharing Rule to also include the Cancelled and Inactive status.

Why do I get an error with Program/Area: paypalwebhook.doPost and Subject: Payment Form locate

This means the PayPal Webhooks is not able to locate the Payment Form inside Sale ...

This means the PayPal Webhooks is not able to locate the Payment Form inside Salesforce. Please check:

  • Sharing settings. In particular those for the Merchant Facility
  • Check the Base Site URL On your merchant Facility. This is particularly applicable if have recently had or enabled Enhanced Domains.
  • Redo the setup for the PayPal Webhook. Make sure the Payment Form you copy the URL from is linked to a Merchant Facility that has the "Active" checkbox selected.

A Paypal Recurring Payment was created, but the first transaction did not make a charge and no further Payment Txns have been created. Why is it doing that?