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How to upload Recurring Credit Cards for Windcave

This procedure is for organisations that already have a list of regular Credit Card donors / payments and want now use Payments2Us to process them.

This guide is for intermediate or advanced administrator level. Should you need assistance, you can engage Payments2Us Professional Services by contact us at


1. Create Recurring Payment Records

Import details in AAkPay__Recurring_Payment__c

  • Status “Inactive”
  • Frequency “Eg. Monthly”
  • Amount and/or Donation Amount. If you don't have a value for one of this fields, please upload with 0.
  • Record TypeId for "Credit Card"
  • Contact Id
  • Account Id
  • Name (You can generate this – eg. Persons Name)
  • Last Processed Date – when they last paid (or set to today's date if not known). Please note, this is important as missing very old dates may cause catch up transactions
  • Next Payment Date (Date next due – eg. 16/4/2015)
  • Expiry date and Expiry date MMYYYY (eg. 112015 for November 2015

Keep in mind that after the upload, you'll need to link the created Recurring Payment - record id with the Credit Card number and CVV that you have.

2. Export for Tokenisation

Once you have an Activate Payment Gateway, you'll need to contact Payments2Us and request the bulk tokenisation feature be turned on.

We now need to export from Salesforce so we can prepare a CSV file for bulk tokenising. You can do this by running a report on the "Recurring Payment" object and then exporting the details. Make sure you include:Export (record id), Expiry MMYYYY.

Now that you have the details from Salesforce, you'll need to make sure you link the exported information with your Credit Card numbers. Excel VLookups are good, but watch out for the credit card numbers going into exponential format.

3. Tokenise the Credit Cards

This process takes the Credit Card numbers, uploads them into Windcave (aka Payment Express) and then returns a token that we can then use for billing/charging to at a later date.

Before starting this step, you'll need to have an Active Windcave Account (Contact Payments2Us for this - DO NOT go directly to Windcave). You'll also need to contact Payments2Us and ask for the bulk tokenisation feature to be enabled.

NOTE, when dealing with lists of credit cards:

  1. NEVER email the list of cards to anyone (including fellow work mates)
  2. NEVER open/save with XLS (this will turn the card numbers into exponential format).

When getting an Payments2Us - Windcave account, there are two usernames/passwords. One is for Salesforce and the other is for PayLine (Online/web access). It is the Payline account that is used here.

You need to create a CSV file needs to following specifications: Please see the “Authorisation transactions” transaction section as that is the one we need to get the tokens. For the ref, use the contactId or even the recurring payment id (as extracted in step 2)

IMPORTANT: Make sure you use the Add Card process and not the charge process. I.e. the transactions type (first column), should be 'H' (For Add Bill Card)

For the “Account” column, please contact Payments2Us to confirm details. Generally, this will be a value of 1.

Process and generate the Tokens:

  1. Log into Payline
  2. Upload the CSV file for bulk tokenisation
  3. Wait for the process to complete, then download from the reports section

File format to look for is:

X0006, TxnType, Operation, Account, Merchant Reference, Card Number, Expiry, Amount, Issue Number, Card holder name, Billing ID

Input Sample 
X0006,H,Add,9997,create token 1,4111111111111111,1010,1.00,,C HOLDER,billingID1

Output Sample 
X0006,H,Add,9997,create token 1,4111111111111111,1010,1.00,,C HOLDER,billingID1,1,,ADDED,0000050000000019,,, 
The output format has the following properties in addition to the input message - Authorized (1 or 0), ReCo, Response Text, Billing Token (aka DpsBillingId), DpsTxnRef, Date, Time, DateSettlement

4. Upload Token into Salesforce

The CSV file generated in step 3 contains the Recurring Payment Record id (Reference) and Token.

Use these details to update the Billing Token (aka dpsBillingId) in Salesforce

Note: When you Import the field Expiry MMYYYY in the Recurring Payment , it will then set the "Card Expiry Date" field. Do not just load the "Card Expiry Date" field.

5. Testing your data migration

We would suggest doing a Token Charge against your card that was migrated. You could do this for a small amount, say $1, then do a refund.

We would also recommend having a first Recurring Payment Run be over a small number of Active Recurring payments. If for some reason there are any migration issues then it would be more manageable.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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