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What needs to be considered when using PayPal for regular payments?

The following need to be considered when using PayPal with regular payments

  1. You need to have a License key and to have that entered against the Merchant Facility. Contact for a license key and pricing.
  2. For subscription/memberships and for regular payments/donations, the price is set on sign-up. If you wish to change the price, then you payer must re sign up.
  3. After adding the license key and enabling PayPal as an option of the Merchant Facility - Method of Payment field, you then need to edit/save each Payment Option related to the Payment Form for memberships/Subscriptions. Doing this creates a new Billing Plan in PayPal.
  4. Recurring Payments status perform special updates to PayPal.
    - Inactive status changes the status in PayPal subscription to Canceled. Note, once canceled, the subscription canNOT be re-activated. To reactivate, the payer has to resign up.
    - Suspended status changes the status in PayPal subscription to Suspended. (NOTE, only suspended status's can reactivate a subscription.
    - Suspended Status changed to Active will reactivate the subscription in PayPal.
  5. Should PayPal not be able to process a payment more than the number of retry times setup, the status on the Recurring Payment will be changed to Suspended - Max retries exceeded
  6. Should you suspend a regular payment from within your instance of PayPal, then the Recurring Payment in Salesforce will be marked as Suspended
  7. Should you cancel a regular payment from within your instance of PayPal, then the Recurring Payment in Salesforce will be marked as Inactive
  8. Should a PayPal subscriber cancel, then related Recurring Payment Status is changed to Inactive and the Cancellation Reason is set to "PayPal User Cancelled"
  9. The following operations are not supported from your PayPal Console (I.e. when logged into PayPal)
    - Editing of a recurring plan
    - Refunding of a payment (NOTE, refunds are supported from within Salesforce)
  10. It is important to following the PayPal install instructions. In particular the webhook setup step. Without this, updates from PayPal will not be recorded in Salesforce
  11. For memberships. Payments Options need to be changed after the PayPal Credentials are entered on the Merchant Facility
  12. For memberships. Updates to the price or frequency on the Payment Option will NOT update the related Recurring Payer subscriber agreements. The subsribers will need to sign up and approve the new plan.
  13. PayPal with Recurring Payments require Payments2Us version 6.9 or higher.

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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