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How does the Charging Card Options work?

1. Charging Card Options Overview

This option is of particular interest to Not-for-profit organisations that use Face-to-Face fundraising or 3rd party fundraisers for signing up new Regular Givers

The Face-to-Face Fundraisers/3rd party Fundraisers will either charge the initial transactions, or they may simply tokenise the cards and get your organisation to transaction the first transaction.

NOTE: This is applicable to Credit Card type transactions, that have a start date specified and are signing up for Recurring Payment (Regular Giving).

The various options available are listed below with examples:

Please note, the assumption is the start date is greater than 45 days from today's date.


The options below work with the Card Authorisation flow only. This is the default install of Payments2us.  
You can check that the setup by going to setup > search "Workflow Rules". Locate "Import Files - Reset Authorise Cards" and make sure it is NOT Active.


For the following sections, the table headings have the following meanings:

  • Start Date: Field on the Import File Line Item, Payment Txn and Recurring Payment. This represents when the Recurring Payments is due to start and have their first charge attempted.
  • Frequency: Field on the Import File Line Item, Payment Txn and Recurring Payment. This must be exactly one of the picklist values in Payments2Us and represents the frequency of Recurring Payments.
  • Auth/Payment: Record Type on the Payment Txn: Payment means card was charged/attempted to be charged. Auth means the card was just Authorised and not actually charged
  • Banked Date: Date payment is expected to arrive in your bank account
  • Banked Payment: Formula that represents if the Payment was successfully charged or not. Note: In some scenarios below represent the charge being made in a 3rd party system and just recorded as a successful payment in Payments2Us.
  • Card Charged*: Was the card actually charged through Payments2us- I.e. Can the Card Holder expect to see the transaction taken out of their account. This varies from Banked Payment as in some scenarios, the charge happened in the 3rd party system.
  • Next Payment Date: This is the next payment date on the Recurring Payment and represents with the card holder will next be charged.

2. Charging Card Option: "--None--" or "Charge when Start Date before todays date"

Cards are NOT charged when the start date is greater than todays date, but ARE charged if prior to todays date.

Start Date Frequency Auth/Payment Banked Date Banked Payment Card Charged* Next Payment Date
Before today Monthly Payment Today YES YES Start Date + 1 Month
Before today One-Off Payment Today YES YES N/A
Before today, failed payment Monthly Payment Today NO NO Today
Today Monthly Payment Today YES YES Today + 1 Month
Future date Monthly Auth Today NO NO Start Date
Future date One-Off Payment Today YES YES N/A

3. Charging Card Option: "Tokenise when Start Date before todays date"

Cards are NOT charged when the start date is greater than todays date, but ARE Tokenisd if prior to todays date.  
When the start date is prior to todays date, the Banked Date is the Start Date AND Banked Payment is NO.

Start Date Frequency Auth/Payment Banked Date Banked Payment Card Charged* Next Payment Date
Before today Monthly Auth Start Date NO NO Start Date + 1 Month
Before today One-Off Auth Start Date NO NO N/A
Before today, failed payment Monthly Auth Start Date NO NO Today
Today Monthly Payment Today YES YES Start Date + 1 Month
Future date Monthly Auth Today NO NO Start Date
Future date One-Off Payment Today YES YES N/A

4. Charging Card Option: "Tokenise when Start Date before todays date and record transaction as paid"

This option is useful when the Face-to-Face/3rd Party Fundraiser has already charged the first card. This option will setup the transaction for future charges and will record the payment as being a real payment in Salesforce.

Cards are NOT charged when the start date is greater than todays date, but ARE Tokenisd if prior to todays date.  
When the start date is prior to todays date, the Banked Date is the Start Date AND Banked Payment is YES.

Start Date Frequency Auth/Payment Banked Date Banked Payment Card Charged* Next Payment Date
Before today Monthly Auth Start Date YES NO Start Date + 1 Month
Before today One-Off Auth Start Date YES NO N/A
Before today, failed payment Monthly Auth Start Date YES NO Start Date + 1 Month
Today Monthly Payment Today YES YES Start Date + 1 Month
Future date Monthly Auth Today NO NO Start Date
Future date One-Off Payment Today YES YES N/A

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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