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How to create a credit card button on the Persons Account tab does not currently allow for Buttons to be packaged for Person Accounts. Administrators therefore need to create their own.

Quick steps:

  1. Add a new button called "Credit Card Payment" to the Account buttons and links. Use the URL value of /apex/AAkPay__checkoutM?aId={!Account.Id}&MailingStreet={!Account.PersonMailingStreet}&MailingState={!Account.PersonMailingState}&MailingCity={!Account.PersonMailingCity}&MailingPostalCode={!Account.PersonMailingPostalCode}&MailingCountry={!Account.PersonMailingCountry}&Phone={!Account.Phone}&firstName={!Account.FirstName}&LastName={!Account.LastName}&MobilePhone={!Account.PersonMobilePhone}&Phone={!Account.Phone}&Email={!Account.PersonEmail}
  2. Add new button to the Person Account Page Layout

Fill in the details for the new button

  1. Create a Label for your new button. This will automatically be the Name
  2. Select 'Detail Page Link' for Display Type
  3. Select 'Display in new window' for Behavior
  4. Select 'URL' for the Content Source

Cut and paste the following code into the text field


Add the new button to your page layout

Select ‘Edit’

Drop and drag the buttons into the page layout


Updated at July 27th, 2024

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