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Stripe Specific

Topics on Stripe Specific

From which field does the Statement Description on card holders account populate with?

The Statement Description on Card holders account comes from the Merchant Facilit ...

The Statement Description on Card holders account comes from the Merchant Facility-> "Organisation Name"  field.

Why do I get the error "signed document does not match hash check"?

This generally means the Webhook Secret Key has not been setup correctly. Please ...

This generally means the Webhook Secret Key has not been setup correctly.

Stripe Support has asked for the Request Id, how/where do I find this?

Locate the Payment Txn that you are looking to have investigated, then locate: Pa ...

Locate the Payment Txn that you are looking to have investigated, then locate:

  • Payment Confirmation No.
  • If the Payment Confirmation No. is blank, then use Payer Id

Login to Stripe Dashboard, then go to:

Paste the valued (Payment Confirmation No. OR Payer Id) from above into the search box and press enter (1)

Then copy the value of the id beginning with "req_". This is what you need to send to Stripe support.

I cannot see/edit the Expiry Date or CVV

For some themes, the Expiry date and CVV can be a little light and harder to see. ...

For some themes, the Expiry date and CVV can be a little light and harder to see. User will see this when entering the card details.
Should this be a concern, you can:

  1. Select a different "Theme" option on the Merchant Facility
  2. Change the Payment Gateway on the Merchant Facility to "Stripe SCA". This is the preferred option for Stripe as it uses their newer APIs
  3. Get your web developer to setup custom theme.Note, custom themes do have an extra monthly cost and should your web developer have questions that cannot be answered from the help guide, then you may need a Premium Support Block to assist. The advantage to this option though is your form would better match the rest of your websites branding.

How can I separate out the card number, CVV and expiry date

For Stripe, the section highlighted below is controlled 100% by Stripe. It is hos ...

For Stripe, the section highlighted below is controlled 100% by Stripe. It is hosted on their server. 

There is no way to split this out or separate these fields. The Payments2Us Payment Form builder has no influence on these fields.

We are getting a Stripe Webhook failure email

If you are getting an email from Stripe Saying you are getting a Webhook Failure, ...

If you are getting an email from Stripe Saying you are getting a Webhook Failure, then check:

  1. Go through the Stripe setup process again. Make SURE you have used the Reveal for the secret key, vs. copying another reference shown on the page.
  2. Recheck all Sharing Rules have all been setup correctly. Suggested Sharing Rule setups do change from time to time.
  3. The Payment Txn is located by the "TxnRef" field AND Last Modified Date (Created date prior to version 9) is in the last 5 days. Probably it can occur when your admin has enabled Create Audit Fields - please get this turned off.

Why are Credit Card fields missing from Stripe SCA?

For Stripe SCA, the Credit Card details do not show until the "Next" button is pr ...

For Stripe SCA, the Credit Card details do not show until the "Next" button is pressed.  This is due to the way Stripe SCA works and its method of managing security features such as Secure 3D.

What is the difference between Payment Gateway "Stripe" and "Stripe SCA"

See payment gateway comparison for an up-to-date comparison between gateway optio ...

See payment gateway comparison for an up-to-date comparison between gateway options.

The "SCA" in "Stripe SCA" stands for Strong Customer Authentication. This means it includes Secure 3D anti fraud functionality to make transactions more secure.

Any new functionality of Payments2Us will only be added to "Stripe SCA". Currently a big difference is Apple Pay and Google Pay are only available with "Stripe SCA".

One key user experience difference is "Stripe SCA" requires users to press the "Next" button before the credit card/payment details section will show.

Can I take a payment without a CCV or setup a Recurring Payment without a CCV

For Stripe, all external facing forms require a CCV When you are logged in as a S ...

For Stripe, all external facing forms require a CCV

When you are logged in as a Salesforce user, CCV is optional with:

Why do I see an error saying "Expiry Date Update is not available for Payment Gateway Stripe"

Stripe does NOT provide use with the ability to just update the expiry date. That ...

Stripe does NOT provide use with the ability to just update the expiry date. That is why the message on the Card Expiry Update shows.

Some gateways do provide this. You can see a comparison at: What are the differences between Payment Gateways? 

You'll need to do a full Card Update with Stripe but using the "Card Update" button/component on the Recurring Payment Object. Alternatively send the Card Update link to the Card Holder so they can update the details.

Follow up question we some times receive: Can we update the expiry date within the Stripe Dashboard.

Unfortunately this update within Stripe will not sync back to Salesforce. For the next charge, we will still be sending the old expiry date and this will cause the payment to fail. 
You'll need to use the Card Update and enter the full details from the Recurring Payment, or send the Card Update link to the Card Holder so they can update the Card Details.

We can’t seem to use the Credit Card Expiry field on our Recurring Payments

Stripe needs Expiry date in correct format and therefore the Card Expiry Date is ...

Stripe needs Expiry date in correct format and therefore the Card Expiry Date is editable by anyone. We have a different field "Expiry MMYYY" which can be edited and that in turn will update the "Card Expiry Date".

"Expiry MMYYY" field might not be available by default and you may need to add it from page layouts.

We are getting Card Error: Sending credit card numbers directly to the stripe API is generally unsafe. We suggest you use test tokens that map to the test card you are using. when using Batch Entries and Import Files functionality.

When you are processing a Batch Entries or Import Files you might get error messa ...

When you are processing a Batch Entries or Import Files you might get error message as below

This is because stripe has recently made some changes to their API wherein you have to enable the below setting when you send credit card numbers to their API.

Login to your Stripe account and go to Business settings | Integration | Advanced Settings. Enable Process payments unsafely.

Please note that the above changes are only required for Batch Entries or Import Files, normal checkout form uses the updated API and will not require any changes.

Stripe allowed users that registered before 2017 to continue using the API without throwing this security issue. Only newly registered users get this warning so they may be able conceive the payment differently using the new token mechanism released in April 2019

How do I turn off the Autofill ( Link button that appears over the Credit Card Entry?

If you are seeing the "Autofill Link" on your checkout entry of Stripe, you can d ...

If you are seeing the "Autofill Link" on your checkout entry of Stripe, you can disable this in your Stripe account.

Log into your Stripe Dashboard, then go to settings > payments > payment methods:

Expand the "Link" option and turn off. Make sure you complete the Stripe Survey and press SAVE.

Why do some Billing Tokens on the Recurring Payment Start with "card_" and others start with "pm_"?

"card_" is the older version of Stripe "pm_" is the newer version. This will appe ...

"card_" is the older version of Stripe

"pm_" is the newer version. This will appear when you use Stripe SCA as the payment gateway on the Merchant Facility.

You may have a mixture of the two because you changed the Payment Gateway on the Merchant Facility from "Stripe" to "Stripe SCA" or perhaps the Billing Tokens were migrated from a previous system.

Generally, either can be used and both will work fine, but if you have ones beginning with "pm_" then we recommend using "Stripe SCA". This is nothing to be concerned about.

Why do I get the Payment Gateway Response "This Customer doesn't have any legacy saved payment details, but does have a Payment Method attached. Use a Payment Intent instead of creating a Charge:"?

This error can occur when you have migrated tokens from another solution to Payme ...

This error can occur when you have migrated tokens from another solution to Payments2Us, or have switched from a Payment Gateway of "Stripe SCA" back to "Stripe".

To fix, navigate to the "Merchant Facility" Tab. Click into the Merchant Facility being used and change the Payment Gateway from "Stripe" to "Stripe SCA".

Why am I getting Payment Txn (s) stuck with a Status of “Confirmation” (Stripe)?

This is only relevant to the Stripe SCA payment gateway.  Please refer to the fol ...

This is only relevant to the Stripe SCA payment gateway. 

Please refer to the following FAQs for: 
- The Difference between the payment gateway Stripe and Stripe SCA
- Why are Credit Card fields missing from Stripe SCA?


The way Stripe SCA payment gateway work is:

  1. Payments2Us Checkout form (users enters details) and clicks next. Payments2us app then creates the Payment Txn - status of "Confirmation" - which includes details entered
  2. The user is taken to the payment details screen where user then enters payment details and clicks ‘Donate now’
  3. Payment is then processed at Stripe and Payments2us awaits to get payment response (Success or failed).
  4. Once Stripe responds back with Payment response. Payments2us then updates the Payment Txn to a status of "Payment Complete" in case its successful or “Error” in case the payment is not successful. If payment2us do not receive a response from stripe, then the payment Txn will remain in “Payment Confirmation” stage.

Stripe SCA has a 2 step process to make payment. In first step, all the details are collected and then the user selects next and then in the Second step User enters the card details to process the payment. 

Internally what happens is after the first step, payment txn is created and it then waits for the second step to complete after which the payment txn moves from payment confirmation to payment complete. 

However if in case someone enters the details and presses next, but doesn't enter the card details then the payment gets stuck on payment confirmation as it didn't receive any payment details.

TIP: Do not close the screen/browser after the first step as mentioned on the Stripe SCA checkout form:

Solution is to ensure and complete the payment details/information step after ‘next’ and click 'Donate now': 

Alternatively, you can change the payment gateway to "Stripe" from “Stripe SCA”. This will remove the additional step of collecting card details. On Stripe payment gateway, payment details are asked on the same checkout form. 

Stripe doesn't support Google Pay/Apple Pay, so if you are using any of these payment method then you will have to use Stripe SCA as your payment gateway.


Do I need Multiple Stripe accounts for Multiple readers? A new account is require ...

Do I need Multiple Stripe accounts for Multiple readers?

A new account is required to setup the card reader as mentioned in the setup steps. However, in the same new account you can have multiple readers.


Why is it not working if I have two Stripe accounts, each with a dedicated facility and payment form in Payments2us

Currently there is a limitation that only the primary Merchant facility and payment form will be used by the setup therefore multiple accounts will have issues in re-conciliation and therefore it is advised not to use that.
We are currently working on new release to make this work and will update this article when we have solution in place.


Is the Stripe POS Application Id same for all POS? 

Currently we have only tested S700 device and the application ID remained same. However for other devices it will probably be different.


Is the Terminal ID available to be used in the setup?

The Terminal Id is currently not available. That is there is no differentiation of which terminal a transaction/data is from.


Getting Error - Unable to connect to card reader: the reader was not found for this specific location. Double check your stripe Dashboard and try again.

If you get the below error while setting up your reader, please contact stripe support:

If the device is getting issues then it needs to be check by the stripe support. If there is any issue with the transaction then payments2us can check the issue.




Stripe Direct Debit - Import File

Payments2Us allows you to import bank account details and create AU BECS Direct D ...

Payments2Us allows you to import bank account details and create AU BECS Direct Debit mandates in Stripe. While this provides flexibility, it’s crucial to understand Stripe’s compliance requirements when handling Direct Debit Requests (DDRs).

Mandate Collection & Customer Authorization

The steps outlined below need to be done before charging the Direct Debit accounts that are created using import files. 

  • When using offline mandates (imported bank account details), you must ensure customers have accepted the Direct Debit Request (DDR). This agreement need to be sent and signed by the customer/donor beforehand.
  • The DDR must contain authorization text and include Stripe’s Direct Debit Service Agreement (DDR SA). Authorization text from the article linked in this point is:
    • By providing your bank account details and confirming this payment, you agree to this Direct Debit Request and the Direct Debit Request service agreement, and authorise Stripe Payments Australia Pty Ltd ACN 160 180 343 Direct Debit User ID number 507156 (“Stripe”) to debit your account through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) on behalf of (the “Merchant”) for any amounts separately communicated to you by the Merchant. You certify that you’re either an account holder or an authorised signatory on the account listed above.

Customer Notification for Mandate Migration

If you’re migrating existing Direct Debit mandates to Stripe, you must:

  • Notify customers at least 14 days before processing the first payment.
  • Share Stripe’s DDR Service Agreement with them.

Storing Mandate URL's

A new field Offline Mandate URL (AAkPay__Offline_Mandate_URL__c) is introduced in the recurring payment object. This field will store the customer's mandate URL fetched from Stripe. Stripe is expecting that this URL is stored in the system so that it can be provided if a customer requests proof of authorization. 

You can also notify the customer/donor by sending them this mandate document before charging them. If you'd like assistance for automating this notification, then you will need one of our premium support packages to assist