Please see procedure When and how are the permissions used? to determine if the object in question needs to have public access. Please FULLTEST any updates should you reduce the recommended settings.
Why is Object XXX showing in RED
Why is Object XXX showing in RED
Can we disable the Potential Risk (RED) Permissions shown in the GUAR report associated with Payments2US Guest user profile
Our organisation is moving to Hyperforce does this impact our custom domain?
Enabling Salesforce Enhanced Domains?
End of life Workflow notification / Migration from Workflow/Process Builder to Flow
JDK Locale Format Retirement
Update Unsupported Legacy API Version - Upto Version 30.0
We have received an email that our Salesforce Org is due to be migrated to a new server/instance
Enforce RFC 7230 Validation for Apex RestResponse Headers
Updated at July 27th, 2024