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What is the data model and how are the objects are used

Table of Contents

The data model shown below is designed to give a high level overview.


1. Data model

2. Objects

Object Notes
Merchant Facility [AAkPay__Payment_Setting__c]

Links to Payment Gateway. Also stores company/business unit level details including address, themes, payment methods etc.

Most organisations would just have one merchant facility, but some organisations need to have multiples as they may have donation payments go into one bank account and then training, supplies etc. into another bank account.

Payment Forms [AAkPay__Payment_Type__c

For each form on the website, a new Payment Form is setup. You may have one Payment Form for say training payments, another for memberships and another for donations.

Payment Forms provides a number of configurable options that will drive the options and behaviour of what appears on the web payment form.

Sidebar Widgets

Sidebar widgets contain sections on the checkout form that appear to the right hand side. The widgets are details such as progress bar, campaign progess guage, team members, recent donations etc.

Sidebar Widgets are added from the Payment Form maintenance screen.

Payment Options

Payment Options represent products or services. They could be used for example for a memberships and have values such as Family, Concessions, Single, Corporate etc.

In addition, Payment Forms could be used for subscriptions. Eg. A magazine publication with say 3 month subscription, 1 year and 2 years.

For Payment Forms that have payment options, any payments that are processed for this Payment Form, a subscription and subscription payment record will be created for the contact as part of the matching process.

Surcharge Amounts and/or percentage Surcharge to charge by Method of Payment for Payment Txns linked to the Payment Form
Payment Txn

The Payment Transaction file stores all payments, including credit cards, manual payments, refunds and card authorisation.

This object should be in read only view for most users as it is created as a result of one of the transactions types.

Record types are used to differentiate the transaction types. For Credit Card payments, refunds can be created from a button on the Payment Transaction detail screen.

Payment Items

This stores details about the payment transaction line items. The type of data stored, depends on the transaction type. There are three record types used to differentiate the item items:

  1. Shopping Cart. This contains details of items purchased through the shopping cart integration.
  2. Event. Contains details of the tickets and persons that have registered for the event.
  3. Subscriber. Contains the persons that make up the subscriber group (Eg. Family Members).
Payment Item Group Used with the Events functionality to group payment items by ticket type.  
For example, the payment items may have 3 entries for 3 different contacts. This may be two ticket types of “Member” with 2 people and “Non Member” with one person. There would be two payment groups in the above example for “Members” and “Non Members”
Ticket Type Type of Ticket Purchased from the Events module. Record is automatically created when the first ticket is purchased for a "Payment Option" and Campaign.
Tickets Event Tickets Purchased.
Recurring Payments

For credit card payments that have a “regular payment frequency” that is NOT one-off then a recurring entry will be created.

A Direct Payment Solution billing token is stored on the recurring payments record. This allows for recurring billings to be made without the need to store credit card details.

Recurring Payment Txn Links all payments with the recurring payment enabling roll up summaries, such as total paid, total donated etc.
Recurring Payment Item Contains details for Split Payments. Creates a Payment Item when a new Payment Txn is generated by the Recurring Payment Processor.  
These records are created on Sign when a new Recurring Payment is Created and it has Payment Items with Record Type of Split.
Letter Receipt, Annual Statement, Membership Renewal, Membership Approval Letter Body Text and Receipt layout definition.
Direct Debit Batch Creates a unique batch to link all transactions that are to be processed as part of the Direct Debit Extract/Upload/Process
Direct Debit Payment Item Is a child object of the "Direct Debit Batch" object and links to the "Payment Txn". Enables roll up summaries to be added between Direct Debit Batch and Payment Txn
Subscriber Group Subscriber Groups are similar to the “household” concept where groups of members, for example Family Members are grouped together.
Subscriptions Subscriptions are created as a result of a payment that has a payment option. Subscriptions could be for membership, or for magazine publications.
Subscription payments

For subscriptions that are renewed, a new subscription payment record is created.

If the “subscription” was memberships that lasted annually, the “subscription payment” would have a record for each year the payee renewed their membership.

Account Subscriptions

Account level subscriptions are created as a result of a payment that has a payment option. Subscriptions could be for membership, or for magazine publications.

The Payment Option Subscription Level must be set as “Account” to have account level subscriptions.

Account Subscription payments

For Account subscriptions that are renewed, a new subscription payment record is created.

If the “Account Subscription” was memberships that lasted annually, the “subscription payment” would have a record for each year the payee renewed their membership.

The Payment Option Subscription Level must be set as “Account” to have account level subscriptions.

Subscription Issue Subscriptions issues are used for magazine/publication type of subscriptions. For this, the subscription term is driven more from the “issue” number, vs. other types of subscriptions that work off the length (e.g. months) of the contract.
Subscription Issue Item For subscriptions that are used for magazine/publication type of subscriptions, a subscription Issue item is generated when the “Mailout Generation” button is pressed on the Subscription Issue object.  
The Subscription Issue object is used for reporting of those subscribers that are due to get this particular issue of the subscription. The report can be set to the mail house for names/address details for who the magazines/publications should be mailed to.
Fundraiser ID Stores the Fundraiser ID and the source of the Fundraiser ID for this contact. If the Contact Fundraiser ID source or Fundraiser ID number are changed on the Contact, then this object is automatically updated. Fundraiser IDs are used as part of the matching process for Import Files. A Contact's Fundraiser ID is their reference number as provided in 3rd party fundraising platforms such as Everyday Hero, Give Now, GoFundraise etc.
Change Schedule Template Change schedule template allows for a list standard list of change schedules to be defined. These can be linked to a membership/subscription type and automatically applied on memberships/subscription creation
Change Schedule Sets up a change that can be scheduled as a once off change, ongoing change, recurring/regular change or a change in a specified number of days. These changes are can be applied to Subscriptions, Account Subscriptions and/or Recurring Payments
Change Schedule Log Every time a change is enacted, the change is written to the Change Schedule Log to provide an audit trail of exactly when the change occurred.
URL Tokens

Used to generate a unique reference and to default options and behaviour for the online payment and manual payment forms.

For Account Subscription and Subscription records, a URL Token is automatically generated for each record created. This is so that it can be used in emails for renewal payments.

Import File Used to upload CSV files for processing. Once imported, the Import File Line Items will be created
Import File Line Items Contains a line for each row in the Imported file CSV
Import File Line Item Payment Txn When an Import file is processed, the Import File line items are allocated open Payment Txn records
Import File Mapping Contains a record for saved filed mappings. Is linked to the import file "Import Type" picklist field
Import File Mapping Field Is a child of Import File Mapping. Contains from/to column mapping of CSV headers to Salesforce Field Names
Import File Translation Code Is used during the import file upload process. If a translation code is mapped to a field value, the import fields value is translated from/to using the related Import File Translation Code Item. An example value for this object could be "Country"
Import File Translation Code Item Is a child of Import File Translation Code. Contains from/to value transforming. For example "AU" in from could be mapped to "Australia"
Peer-to-Peer Campaign This object is primarily used for the initial setup and registration of Peer-to-Peer entrants. Once the batch processor has processed the registration, a sub Campaign is created for the registration and that is used from then on.
Team Members The Team Member object stores a list of Team Members for Peer-to-Peer fundraising. If the Peer-to-Peer fundraising page is for an individual then a single member is created.
Team Member Payement Txns This object is used to link the Payment Txn's with the Team Members. This enable rollups of total payments allocated for each individual team member.
Batch Entry Batch Entry Header Details. The batch header contains hash totals such as the total amount of all line items, the total number of records etc. It also contains a status to indicate where the batch processing is up to.
Batch Entry Line Batch Entry Lines are related to the Batch. Each Batch Line is stores line item payment details and is linked to a Payment Txn record. The Batch Line is used to provide roll up summary counts for the Batch Entry.
IP Address Access [AAkPay__Whitelist__c Stores IP Addresses of external organisations addresses. Blocked: will stop these people from using the online payment forms. Allowed: This is useful for organisations that use external organisations to enter donations/payments online and this means their IP address will not be blocked.
Bank Feed Main Tab/Object for Bank Reconciliation. A Bank Feed licenses is allocated to each record. Records are linked to Yodlee Users and in turn Bank Accounts.
Bank Banking Corporation.
Bank Feed Criteria Setup of Criteria for which Bank Transactions to Return from the Bank Feed (Yodlee) Integration
Bank Accounts Bank Accounts returned from Bank Feed (Yodlee Integration).
Bank Account Matching Criteria Stores Criteria in which a Bank Account Transaction will be matched/reconciled with related Payment Txns
Bank Account Merchant Facility Joiner Object to link Bank Accounts with Merchant Facilities. Used during the matching process so that only Payment Txns with the same Merchant Facility will be match to Bank Account (and transactions) of the same Merchant Facility. Generally speaking, a Merchant Facility would normally be linked to one bank acount.
Bank Account Txns These are the bank account/statement line items that are retrieved from the online internet banking. Only those lines that match the Bank Feed Criteria are returned.
Bank Account Txn Payment Txn Joiner object between Bank Account Txns and Payment Txns. This enables one Bank Account Txn to be linked with multiple Payment Txns and for Payment Txns to be linked with multiple Bank Account Txns
Voucher Type Template for individual Vouchers. Vouchers are created from the Voucher Type.
Voucher Used for Discount/Promo/Coupon type codes
Voucher Used Joiner between Voucher and Payment Txn to enable roll up summary fields of amounts/number used and for reporting of where Vouchers were claimed.
Payments2Us Setting Payments2Us Billing and Account related settings.
Payments2Us Billing Payments2Us Invoices and Payments made for the App by your organisation.
Xero Settings This is an overall setting associated with a Xero Sign In. Organisation details are stored as child objects.
Xero Tenant Xero Tenants are Organisations that a Xero User has Access to.
Xero Branding Theme Xero Branding Themes control the appearance and the information included in your invoices, quotes, customer credit notes, customer statements, and purchase orders.
Xero Account The Account Codes and Tax info from Xero.
Xero Tax Rate Xero Tax Rates are the configures tax codes in Xero. The tax rate you use in a transaction decides the value of GST calculated and how it's reported in your activity statement. XeroTax rates apply to individual transaction lines.
Xero Tax Component These are the subcomponents of tax rates as stored in Xero. Tax rates can apply to both sales and purchases. When you add a tax rate tax rates in Xero, you enter display name, tax type and tax rate percentage.
Xero Tracking Category Xero Tracking Categories lets you see how different areas of your business are performing, so you can make proactive business decisions. For example, a business with multiple work locations. You can track sales for each location by setting up a tracking category with tracking options for each location.
Xero Tracking Option Xero Tracking Options are related to Xero Tracking Categories. Xero uses tracking categories and options instead of department codes or cost centres. This keeps your chart of accounts manageable.
Xero Item Code A Xero Item Code is a representation of a product or service provided by your department to a customer. An item code must be established before a customer can be invoiced. An organization can assign specific accounting information to each item.
Xero Invoice Contains Xero Invoice Header details. These are synchronised with Xero finance system.
Xero Invoice Line Item Contains Xero Invoice Line Items details that are related to the Xero Invoice Header. These are synchronised with Xero finance system.
Xero Credit Note Allocation Xero Credit Note Allocation is used for mapping a Xero Credit Note to a Xero Invoice.
Xero Payment Xero Payments received in Xero. These are linked to the Xero Invoice.
Xero Journal Setting Configuration object for xero journals
Xero Journal Settings Line For storing data regarding account codes to default in future runs
Xero Journal Summary Holds a grouping of journals from a run
Xero Journal A single Journal. This will have Journal Line Items related to it. A Journal is created for each combination of summary fields as setup in the Journal Settings.
Xero Journal Line Xero Journal Individual line items that are related to Journals. This will generally match to a Payment Txn.
Xero Journal Line Transaction Payment Txn This is the relationship between Transaction information (Payment Txn and item) and Journal Lines

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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