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Direct Debit

Topics on Direct Debit

What do the different Direct Debit statuses do on the Payment Txn?

There are 4 steps available in the Direct Debit Process Direct Debit Start Direct ...

There are 4 steps available in the Direct Debit Process

  • Direct Debit Start
  • Direct Debit Assigned To Batch
  • Direct Debit Processing
  • Direct Debit Error

Direct Debit Start
When a new Payment Txn is created as part of a Reoccurring Payment. Only Txns with this status will be available to add to Direct Debit Batches. If a Txn has been marked as Direct Debit Error, the Reoccuring Processor updates it back to Direct Debit Start the following day when it runs so it becomes available again to add to other Batches.

Direct Debit Assigned To Batch
Once Txns have been selected and the Add to Batch button has been pressed, the Txns will be updated to Direct Debit Assigned to Batch. Only Txns with this status will be added to the ABA file when it is extracted.

Direct Debit Processing
To created and ABA file, press the Extract button on the Batch. Once this happens, all Txns in the batch will be updated to Direct Debit Processing.

If you need to created a new ABA file from the same batch to make corrections, make sure all Txns you wish to be included are reverted back to Direct Debit Assigned to Batch. Otherwise they will not be included in any subsiquent ABA files created.

Direct Debit Error
Any Txns that were not successfully deducted, or are incorrectly added, mark these as Error (do not click the delete option next to the Txn). This number of attempts on the Recurring Payment will increase by 1.

Similar to credit card attempts, the following day the Recurring Processor will create a new Payment Txn set to Direct Debit start to be available to add to the next Direct Debit batch.

This process will repeat until it has reached the attempt amount specified on the Direct Debit attempts amount on the Merchant Facility. When it reaches the limit, it will change the Recurring Payment status to Suspended.

Additional information can be found here on the Direct Debit Process

Please Note: As of March 2020 the Direct Debit process has changed

  • Direct Debits has it's own retry attempts field on the Merchant Facility, rather than using the same field as credit card Recurring Payments. This field is set to 1 by default,. This can be edited.
  • Direct Debits create a new Payment Txn per attempt. Previously the status of an errored Payment Txn would be changed back to Direct Debit start so it could be re-attempted in a future Direct Debit batch if more attempts were available.

I've created a batch today for the payments that are due tomorrow, but they aren't available to add to the batch. How do I add them

For Regular Payments, the next Payment Txn will not be created until the date of ...

For Regular Payments, the next Payment Txn will not be created until the date of the next payment due. So therefore only payments due today or before today will be available to add to a Direct Debit Batch.

Eg: Your client pays on the 16th of each month, the Payment Txn will be created when the Reoccurring Processor runs on the 16th. The Reoccurring Processor is set to run automatically at 1am each morning.

I added some Direct Debit Payment Txns incorrectly to a batch. Does clicking Delete just remove them from this batch?

Warning: Pressing delete in the batch next to DELETES THE PAYMENT TXN. Do not pre ...

Warning: Pressing delete in the batch next to DELETES THE PAYMENT TXN. Do not press this unless you want to delete the Payment Txn Record. Deleting records is not recommended.


The correct way of removing is to select the Payment Txn tick box of any that you would like removed and click the Mark Error(s) button. This will then change their Status to Direct Debit Error and not include them in that batch. This is the same process. Any Direct Debit Error Txns will be updated the following day

If a particular Payment Txn needs to be available straight away to another batch, update the Status manually to Direct Debit Start.

I needed to make some changes to the ABA file, so after I marked the Txns that were not to be included as error, I pressed the Extract button, but the new file was blank. Where are the other Txns?

The first time a Batch is extracted, it will update all Txns to the status Direct ...

The first time a Batch is extracted, it will update all Txns to the status Direct Debit Processing. Txns that have Direct Debit Processing therefore be added to subsiquent ABA files that are extracted. Only Txns with the status Direct Debit Assigned to Batch are available.

Update the Txns to be included as Direct Debit Assigned to Batch and then extract again.

I re-extracted the ABA file after some corrections, but the batch still has the original number of records and total dollar amount. How do I know the numbers are correct

The first time and ABA file is extracted it will populate the No. in Batch and To ...

The first time and ABA file is extracted it will populate the No. in Batch and Total Batch Amount details.

Any ABA files that are extracted after that, the fields No. In Last Extracted File and Total Amount in Last Extract will update with each new file with the latest file totals.

When a batch is completed, the original with the totals from the latest ABA file.

Why are some Payment Txns that are on status Direct Debit Start not available when I try to add them to a Direct Debit Batch?

Direct Debit Payment Txns will only be available to add to a Direct Debit Batch i ...

Direct Debit Payment Txns will only be available to add to a Direct Debit Batch if they have the exact Merchant Facility and Payment Form as each other. Double check that they are the same on both the Payment Txn and the new Direct Debit Batch.

How is the Statement Text used, or why to all my Return Transactions have the same reference?

This FAQ is applicable to those using the Australian ABA banking format.https://w ...

This FAQ is applicable to those using the Australian ABA banking format.

The Statement Descriptor used on the ABA file and hence on the payer/donors statement and on the returns reference is derived from:

  1. If the Statement Text on the Direct Debit Batch then this is used
  2. Otherwise, if specified on the Recurring Payment in the field Statement Text then that is used
  3. Otherwise, if specified on the Merchant Facility in the field Statement Text then that is used
  4. Otherwise, the Payment Txn Name is used

Why Payment Txns stuck on the Status of ‘Direct Debit Assigned To Batch’ for Ezidebit payment gateway?

Please check the related Payment Form->Recurring Payments Type field. Check if ...

Please check the related Payment Form->Recurring Payments Type field. Check if the Recurring Payments Type is assigned to Variable?

Variable means the Payment Txn gets generated. Then you can update the Amount and change the Status to "Payment Start" to initiate the transaction. This is useful for us internally as an example. We generate the transaction, run a process that calculates the monthly charge based of the number of transactions a customer has completed, then change the status to payment Start to charge the customer.

If the above is the case, you can change the status to Payment Start.

Then, update the Payment Form "Recurring Payment Type" to "Regular" for future processing.

If the above is not the case, please check the Error logs for a date/time created that is similar to the Payment Txn generation.

Why Payment Txns stuck on the Status of ‘Direct Debit Processing’ for Ezidebit payment gateway?

The Status "Direct Debit Processing" means the Payments have been submitted to Ez ...

The Status "Direct Debit Processing" means the Payments have been submitted to EziDebit for processing and we are waiting for a response back from EziDebit (and in turn the account holders bank).

For Direct Debits, this takes several days to process. Each of the transactions go through different banks and they can get a response at different times. Generally 3 - 5 days after charging. It will change to Payment Complete (and through other status's) if successful or Error if not.

You'll probably get an email from EziDebit when the transactions have processed as well.

The updates happen at 1 am in the morning. Please wait for 3-5 days to let the transactions to complete.

I need to regenerate the ABA File by changing the Status Back from "Direct Debit Processing" to "Direct Debit Assigned Batch"

You will need to use a tool such as Salesforce's Data Loader or 3rd parties such ...

You will need to use a tool such as Salesforce's Data Loader or 3rd parties such as Xappex to update all Payment Txns where the field AAkPay__Direct_Debit_Batch__c on the Payment Txn matches the record Id for the Direct Debit Batch.

This process is for experienced Salesforce Admins. If you need more guidance or help, then please speak with your Salesforce consulting partner or you will require Payments2Us Premium Support.


I am trying to process a direct debit batch and I am getting no entries in it

If you are seeing no entries to add to a Direct Debit Batch, then check: The Merc ...

If you are seeing no entries to add to a Direct Debit Batch, then check:

  1. The Merchant Facility and Payment Form entered at the Batch Level are exactly the same as the ones entered against the Direct Debit "Recurring Payment" records.
  2. The previous months batch was correctly closed off.
    1. After the bank has imported your file, you will need do one of the following for transactions in error:
      Check errors - Manual Method (This is for marking a small number of transactions in error one at a time)
      Check errors - Import Returns (This is a bulk way of importing transactions that are in error)tt
    2. AND for transactions that do not have an error:
      Mark transactions as complete (this will activate recurring payment processes)

      Please check the below article which explains the step: How to process direct debit payments - after banking

Recurring payment records whose status is 'InActive' and 'Next Payment Date' and 'Payment After Next Payment Date' are blank but still these records are pulled into a direct debit batch, why?

The "Inactive" status means the Payment Txn would not have been generated. Please ...

The "Inactive" status means the Payment Txn would not have been generated. Please see FAQ: What is required to make a Recurring Payment available to be charged

HOWEVER, The following scenario may exist:

  1. There is an active Direct Debit Recurring Payment with "Next Payment Date" is 6th of January.
    On the 6th, a the Recurring Payment Processor will create Payment Txn.
    This is waiting to be added to a Direct Debit batch.
  2. If the Direct Debit Recurring Payment is then made "Inactive" of the 7th of January.
  3. If a Direct Debit batch were to be created on the 8th of January and Payment Txn's for processing were to be added, then the one created on the 6th of Jan would be added as it is still open.
    Making the Recurring Direct Debit inactive on the 7th, does NOT close/cancel the ones that have already been generated for processing.

How to I make changes to the Header row on the ABA File?

The header row is fixed format text file. This row is populated with the followin ...

The header row is fixed format text file. This row is populated with the following information.

  • Position 1-1 : "0" This always has the value of "0"
  • Position 2-18: This is always blank
  • Position 19-20: This the reel sequence number and is always "01"
  • Position 21-23: This is the Financial Institution abbreviation. This field is populated from the field "Bank Code" that is on the Merchant Facility related to the Direct Debit Batch. This is the first values before the space, e.g. "ANZ" when Bank Code is "ANZ - ANZ Banking Group"
  • Position 24-30: This is always blank
  • Position 31-56: This is the User Preferred Specification (UPS). This field is populated from the field "User Preferred Specification" that is on the Merchant Facility related to the Direct Debit Batch. If this field is blank, the Company Name from Salesforce setup > Company Information is used.
  • Position 57-62: This is the User Identification Number. This field is populated from the field "User Identification Number" that is on the Merchant Facility related to the Direct Debit Batch.
  • Position 63-74: This is always "DIRECT DEBIT"
  • Position 75-80: This is from the Direct Debit Batch, field: Processing Date
  • Position 81-120: This is always blank

Error with Hash total on the Direct Debit layout New Zealand (IB4B) format

If you are getting an error with the Hash Total not being correct, then please ch ...

If you are getting an error with the Hash Total not being correct, then please check:

  1. For the BSB field (you can use language translation to change name if required ) contains the Bank-Branch (including the hyphen), e.g. 12-3085
  2. The Account Number field is in the format of AccountNo-suffix. For example 0520507-000
    Alternatively, you can store the Suffix in the Suffix field.