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How to preview your new Payments2Us product

Select 'Payments2Us' from the App Launcher 'All Apps' section

Click the 'About Payments2Us' tab and then the 'Create Samples' button

Select 'View' on one of our sample payment forms

There are six quick-start templates to choose from that can be used by your organisation

Fill in the test form (Step 1 of 3)

As noted in the image above, use the following demo cards:

  • Visa - 4111111111111111
  • MasterCard - 5431111111111111
  • Amex - 371111111111114
  • Diners - 36000000000008

For Visa/MasterCard, any 3 digit CVV will work and for Amex/Diners and 4 digit CVV.

Expiry dates can be any date that is in the future.

Check test form and select 'Pay Now' (Step 2 of 3)

Receive test confirmation details (Step 3 of 3)

Set-up an eCommerce Merchant Account

Click here to find out more about eCommerce Merchant Accounts

Contact Payments2Us if you have any questions


Phone: +61 (3) 9397 0443


Updated at July 27th, 2024

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