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How to set advanced PDF Options and Parameters

Procedure How to change the email text describes how to update and clone a Visualforce email template.

When editing the Visualforce email template, there is a line that references a Visualforce component. This begins with <AAkPay:.... The component can accept a number of parameters and these are documented below.

1. Receipt PDF Component Options

Receipt PDF Component Options

Parameters that can be added are:

  • AddressType - can be Mailing [Default] or Other. This determines which set of addresses / fieldsets are to be used. The fieldsets used are on the Payment Txn Object and are called "receiptMailingAddress" and "receiptOtherAddres"
  • contactNa - Contact Name to use. If not specified then the related First Name and Last Name are used
  • receiptLabel - It not specified, then the Receipt Label on the Merchant Facility is used
  • suppressStatusUpdate - Defaults to false. If set to true, the stops the Payment Txn Status being updated to receipting complete
  • letterRecordId - This is the Letter Object record id. If specified, the receipt will use the receipt text from this letter object and NOT from the Payment Txn - Receipt Letter field.

2. Subscription and Account Subscription - PDF Renewals, Confirmations Component Options

Subscription and Account Subscription - PDF Renewals, Confirmations Component Options

Parameters that can be added are:

  • cId -Id for the Contact
  • POId - Id for AAkPay__Payment_Options__c record Id
  • PT - value AAkPay__Payment_Txn__c Object
  • ASUB - value for the AAkPay__Account_Subscription__c Object
  • SUB- value for the AAkPay__Subscription__c Object
  • ROrC - RENEW (Default), CONFIRM or INVOICE to vary outputs from a renewal form to a confirmation one
  • createActivity - Set to True to automatically create a related activity history
  • AddressType- can be Mailing [Default] or Other. This determines which set of addresses / fieldsets are to be used. The fieldsets used are on the Payment Txn Object and are called "receiptMailingAddress" and "receiptOtherAddres"
  • contactNa - Contact Name to use. If not specified then the related First Name and Last Name are used
  • subject- If specified will used this value, otherwise will be based on RorC (Renewal or Confirmation)
  • layoutType- GROUP (Default) has room for subscriber group items or FULL for full text body

3. Statement Component Options

Parameters that can be added are:

  • camId - record Id for Campaign Object
  • cId - record Id for Contact Object
  • aId - record Id for Account Object
  • cmId - record Id for CampaignMember Object
  • AddressType- can be Mailing [Default] or Other. This determines which set of addresses / fieldsets are to be used. The fieldsets used are on the Payment Txn Object and are called "receiptMailingAddress" and "receiptOtherAddres"
  • contactNa - Contact Name to use. If not specified then the related First Name and Last Name are used
  • subject - If specified will used this value, otherwise will be based on RorC (Renewal or Confirmation)
  • layoutType - SUMMARY (Default) has room for printing payment transaction list; NONE is no statement text, FULL is full text body
  • reportingPeriod - Date range for transaction selections. Options are: CurrentFY, PreviousFY
  • createActivity - Set to True to automatically create a related activity history

Updated at July 27th, 2024

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