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Import Files

Topics on Import Files

When selecting a file we get BLOB is not a valid UTF-8 string

The most common cause for this is importing a file that is not a CSV (for example ...

The most common cause for this is importing a file that is not a CSV (for example, importing an Excel format file). Check you're importing a CSV. If that doesn't solve it, try the steps below.

1. Open with Notepad and Save as UTF-8 format

The simplest way to fix this is to open with windows notepad, then select File > Save As - Next ot the SAVE button, select "UTF-8" from the encoding picklist and then SAVE.

How do we create recurring payments from Import Files?

The different options for importing are: Import Credit Cards and Charge: [Payment ...

The different options for importing are:

  1. Import Credit Cards and Charge: [Payment Frequency IS set to One-Off].
  2. Import Credit Cards, Charge and Create Recurring Payment: [Payment Frequency is NOT One-Off].
  3. Import Credit Cards, Auth/Generate Billing Token and Create Recurring Payment: [Payment Frequency is NOT One-Off, Payment Form "Enable Recurring" set to "Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date" AND (Payment Day is not today OR Start date is in the future)].
  4. Import Billing Tokens and Charge: [Payment Frequency IS set to One-Off].
  5. Import Billing Tokens, Charge and Create Recurring Payment: [Payment Frequency is NOT One-Off].
  6. Import Billing Tokens, Auth/Generate Billing Token and Create Recurring Payment: [Payment Frequency is NOT One-Off, Payment Form "Enable Recurring" set to "Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date" AND (Payment Day is not today OR Start date is in the future)].
  7. Import Card Details and Authorise Transaction, ready for a Auth/Complete at a future date: [Payment Form, field Pre-Authorisation is selected]

NOTE: Data Trans payment Gateway does Not support items 1,2,3,4,5,7 . For item 6, it only supports to loading of the recurring payment, it cannot charge on import.

NOTE: For Stripe, EziDebit Payment Gateways do not support 4,5. You can import tokens, but not use those tokens for charging during the import process.


For the import process to create a recurring payment, you need to map:

  1. Frequency
  2. Last Name
  3. Amount or Donation Amount - e.g. $1
  4. "Billing Token" (credit card token) and "Payment Gateway Customer ProfileId" for some payment gateways (e.g. Stripe) 
    OR Card Number, Expiry date and optionally CCV

Recommended additional fields

  • First Name
  • Email
  • Phone and/or MobilePhone
  • Address (in particular city/suburb)
  • Start Date or Payment Day

For the expiry date, this must be in MMYYYY format. Where MM is the expiry date and YYYY is the Expiry Year.
NOTE, the Month must be zero padded. I.e. "22024" is INVALID, but "022024" is VALID.


Ensure the values of the frequency match exactly with one of the valid picklist values. Failure to do so might result in the frequency being treated as daily. Valid values include: Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Six Monthly, Annually, Two Yearly


It is very important that your "Import Type Template" starts with "Credit Card - ". This sets the Payments Source to "Credit Card" and ensures processing works as designed.

What fields are required to import tokenised cards?

When importing and uploading you should try and include as much contact informati ...

When importing and uploading you should try and include as much contact information information as possible. This will help for the matching de-duplication.

As a minimum the following are required:

  • Last Name
  • Billing Token
  • Payment Gateway Customer ProfileId for some payment gateways (e.g. Stripe)
  • Frequency
  • Amount or Donation Amount - e.g. $1

Recommended additional fields

  • First Name
  • Email
  • Phone and/or MobilePhone
  • Address (in particular city/suburb)
  • Start Date (if you want to start in the future - see note below)

If you are looking at importing cards that have already been charged and you'd like the next payment to be scheduled, then you will need to set the (Payment Day to not be todays day of the month OR Start Date as a future date) AND have the "Enable Recurring" on the Payment Form set to "Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date"


If you are looking for more help, then contact support @ for a request to purchase premium support or consulting services.


It is very important that your "Import Type Template" starts with "Credit Card - ". This sets the Payments Source to "Credit Card" and ensures processing works as designed.


How can I Import Direct Debits?

For Direct Debits, your Import Type Template (1) File type selected on the first ...

For Direct Debits, your Import Type Template (1) File type selected on the first step must start with "Direct Debit - ".

The Direct Debit mapping is not delivered with the product by default. You will need to set this up on the first import by saving the Import File Template on Step 2 as Direct Debit.


Note: If your import file is for initial loads only and you do not wish to create Opportunities, then select "Contact Load Only" checkbox on the first step of the import wizard.


Make sure you map the Account No. and BSB fields as part of the import

Please note the BSB need to be in "XXX-XXX" format.

Which Transactions will be charged when Importing Cards/Direct Debits?

Credit Cards For both Importing of Credit Cards or Tokens, the following apply: I ...

Credit Cards

For both Importing of Credit Cards or Tokens, the following apply:

  • If the frequency is blank or One-off, then the card will always be attempted to be charged, regardless of the start date.
  • For non One-off frequency, ie. Recurring, where the Start Date is on or before todays day, OR the Payment Form, field "Enable Recurring" is NOT "Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date", then the card will always be attempted to be charged.
  • For non One-off frequency, ie. Recurring, where the (Start Date is after todays date, or the Regular Payment Day is specified and does not equal todays date) AND, the Payment Form, field "Enable Recurring" IS "Yes - Tokenise on Signup, Charge on Selected Date", then the card will be tokenised and the Recurring Payment will have the Next Payment Date set to the start date.
  • For non One-off frequency, ie. Recurring, a Recurring Payment Record is always created and the Payment Txn will be set to Matching Complete. This means both successfully charged cards and failed cards during imports will always have a Recurring Payment Record create. This is so the standard Payments2Us retry logic will work, plus the processes for managing failed recurring payments would also apply.

Direct Debits

  • One-off frequency is not supported.
  • There will be no attempt to charged the Direct Debit during import. This also applies for payment gateways that support automated direct debits such as EziDebit.
    The Recurring Payment will have the Next Payment Date set to today or the Start Date (if field is specified in the import
  • For Payment Gateways that support Automated Direct Debit processing, such as EziDebit, if the Account and BSB are specified, then they will be tokenised.

Do I need to do anything about the warning that is displayed in step 2 of the import file process?

The warning "This Import Line Item field has no equivalent in the Payment Txn Obj ...

The warning "This Import Line Item field has no equivalent in the Payment Txn Object" message indicates that the Import is being uploaded, but will not stored on the Payment Txn object as part of the down stream processing. Many of these fields have special meaning and are only temporarily used as part of the upload process.

However, should you add a custom field to the Import File Line Item record and this message appears, then it may indicate that you have an issue or a typo. The normal reason for adding a custom field is so that the imported (Import File Line Item) is so data is uploaded to the Import File Line Item and once the Import File is processed, this value will be copied to a field with the same API name on the Payment Txn. The ultimate aim is to then have the field on the Payment Txn copied to the field of the same API name on the Account, Contact, Opportunity or Campaign Member objects when the batch processor runs.

How many rows of data can I Import?

The imports are not restricted by the number of rows, but by the overall size of ...

The imports are not restricted by the number of rows, but by the overall size of the CSV file. If you have a smaller number of columns, then you can Import more rows of data. As a general guide, you should be able to import 30,000 and possibly upto 55,000 rows of data.

Should you require more rows of data than allowed, then simply split your files into multiple CSV files and import separately.

Should I import Credit Card and Direct Debits in the one Import Batch?

Our recommendation is to split the two imports out. One particular thing to keep ...

Our recommendation is to split the two imports out. One particular thing to keep in mind is that Direct Debits need to have the Import File Type set to Direct Debit (See FAQ above on How to Import Direct Debits)

Should we import fundraisers first?

Absolutely. In particular if you are looking to Soft Credit a fundraiser, then we ...

Absolutely. In particular if you are looking to Soft Credit a fundraiser, then we recommend importing the fundraisers and selecting the "Contact Only Load" on the first step.

The Contact Only Load checkbox will import the contact and de-duplicate the contact with existing contact or create a new contact if they do not already exist. This will NOT create any related opportunities though.

Loading the contact first will ensure the contact can be found and when using the Nonprofit Success Pack, can be soft credited for with the subsequent uploads.

Fundraisers are not being correctly matched, or are Created and linked to the wrong Account/Household

Import the Fundraisers First   Most of the 3rd party providers only provide a few ...

Import the Fundraisers First


Most of the 3rd party providers only provide a few details about the fundraisers in their import files. These details are often just First Name, Last Name and Fundraiser Id's.

The Matching Process relies a lot on the Fundraiser Id on the Contact record already existing. The best practice is to Import the Fundraiser details first, then import the donation details as a second import.

When importing the Fundraiser Details, you can use the "Contact Load Only" option so that the process does not expect to be processing donations. If this option is checked, the creation of opportunities will be turned off.

Note: Make sure when the fundraisers are imported to be created as contacts first, map them to the First Name, Last name fields. Then in the donor import after the fundraiser import, the fundraisers' first and last names are to be mapped to Fundraiser First name, Fundraiser Last name fields.

When I process the batch, the "Import File Line Item Payment Txn's" are not being created

To try and locate the cause of this, please check the following. Check error logs ...

To try and locate the cause of this, please check the following.

  1. Check error logs. First check against the import file line item to see if there is an error reported. If not, go to the Error Log tab and look at Errors created for today.
    This is the most likely area to have the reason for the error. It could be that a validation rule or a process builder that has been added to your instance is causing the issue and the error log will contain a description of the issue.
  2. Check on Import File Line Item and Payment Txn. Are there any fields with the same API name. E.g. AAkpay__receipt_number__c is the same as receipt_number__c. Please check all custom fields that have been added. It might be that we've added a field with the same name to a future release and that is why it is now causing an issue. Rename the custom field with a duplicate name.
  3. Navigate to Setup. Search "Apex Jobs". Locate the importprocessor jobs. Does an error show here?
  4. Make sure you are on the latest release of Payments2Us

In Peer-to-Peer imports, the fundraiser's contact role is being listed as Soft Credit, but I want it to be listed as Fund Raiser. How do I update it?

The NPSP application allows for soft crediting to contacts. It is based on the th ...

The NPSP application allows for soft crediting to contacts. It is based on the the contact role field is part of the Payment Item object.

  1. Go to Setup>Object>Payment Item and select Record Types in the left hand menu
  2. Select the Soft Credit record type.
  3. Select Edit next to the Contact Field.
  4. Select Fundraiser as default.

You can repeat this procedure if you want to add the same or different default to other Record Types.

Once the fundraiser and donor details have been imported, the fundraiser contact will be added to the payment item as the Fund Raiser in their contact role and will be soft credited for that donated amount. For more information on how the NPSP soft crediting works, visit

I keep getting errors with "Bad value for restricted picklist", but I checked and the value is exactly as it appears in the picklist. What's wrong with it?

Check to see if the picklist that is being used is a Global Picklist. If so, you ...

Check to see if the picklist that is being used is a Global Picklist. If so, you need to use the API Name value instead of the "Values" value. Regular local restricted picklists use the Value field.

If possible, set the Values and API names in your Global Picklist to the same values to make this step easier.

How do I remove old custom import templates that I don't use any more?

The templates are stored in a Custom Object called "Import File Mappings". Paymen ...

The templates are stored in a Custom Object called "Import File Mappings".

Payments2Us does not include a tab for this by default for the package. You can add a Custom Tab under setup.

After adding the Custom Tab, you will be able to then see the entries and remove those that you do not currently need.

How to Import Expiry Date to Recurring record if the import file feature is not used to charge card or for an auth transaction?

Please add the following fields to the Import File Line Item object. Payment_CC_E ...

Please add the following fields to the Import File Line Item object.

  1. Payment_CC_Exp_Date_Month (NON RESTRICTIVE picklist, values 01..12)
  2. Payment_CC_Exp_Date_Year (NON RESTRICTIVE picklist values 2021......2030)

Then while importing assign the values from the CSV / import files to these columns. This will set the Expiry date correctly on the Recurring Payment record.

Do Import Files send Receipts?

YES - If importing and charging Credit Card details or Tokens. For this use case, ...

YES - If importing and charging Credit Card details or Tokens. For this use case, the Payment Txns are created with a Status of "Receipting Complete".

NO - For everything else. The Payments Txns are created with a Status of "Payment Complete". The assumption is the 3rd party system has already generated and sent a receipt.

If you would like to send receipts, then you will need to clone the Payments2Us Workflows that send receipts and adjust these to also send the receipts for import files. If you need a hand with this change, please consult your Salesforce implementation partner or ask us about our Premium Support options to help with the custom setup.

Why the Import has not loaded any line items or why is the total amount is $0

If the Import File is showing the "No. of Line Items" as being zero, then: Make s ...

If the Import File is showing the "No. of Line Items" as being zero, then:

  • Make sure the Import File upload processor has completed. This will often happen pretty much straight away, but may on very rare occasions take upto an hour to process. Wait for the Confirmation email that is sent once the processing has completed before checking.
  • Check the Payments2Us Error Log to see if there are any entries/reasons there.
  • Make sure your user has a Payments2Us Permission Set assigned to it.
  • Navigate to setup > Quick find "Apex Jobs" and click into "Apex Jobs" menu item. 
    Look for a row that has an Apex Class of "ImportFileProcessor". Check the "Status Details" column to see if there are any error messages there.

Why can users not save the Import File Templates or they are getting an access error to Import File Settings Object

The template mappings are saved into a Custom Setting File called AAkonsult Impor ...

The template mappings are saved into a Custom Setting File called AAkonsult Import File Settings. The users will need to have the profile setting "Customize Application" enabled.

For more information on custom settings, please see

Which Campaign is allocated if there are multiple campaigns with the same name - e.g. John’s Birthday

Campaigns that are visible to the user and are active are the ones considered. If ...

Campaigns that are visible to the user and are active are the ones considered. If multiple Campaigns with the same name exist, then the one with the more recent (highest) Start Date is used.